Best way to cure an anal fissure? - neosporin help anal fissure
My daughter is three years old and was suffering from an anal fissure for several months. Whenever you go She cries and screams of pain. We went to the doctor and have Neosporin, Vaseline, bandages and fluids used, as we have said. However, none of them seems to work. Is there anything you suggest, my daughter? How long is too long to suffer like this?
Most acute fissures need increases for treatment at home, even diving into a shallow tub of warm water (sitz bath) 2 or 3 times per day fiber in the diet and taking laxatives or laxatives. Some people find relief in one or two days of treatment at home. Despite the pain disappear in May, may take several weeks for the column heal completely. Sometimes fissures heal without treatment.
Try to avoid constipation, which can keep a gap of healing. The pain of a column in May make you anxious to have a bowel movement. But do not try to go to the toilet will only increase congestion and to open a cycle, which stops the creation of the column and painful.
Drink plenty of water or other liquids are also happen stool soft and easy to use.
You can use a nonprescription ointment such as zinc oxide, Preparation H, anusol, or 1% hydrocortisone to soothe anal tissues. But the evidence that fiber and sitz baths and help to counter the symptoms creams.1 Tell your doctor if you are using this medicineonly for a short period.
If one column takes a long time, can help to prescription drugs. Prescription drugs for the treatment of anal fissures include drugs, nitroglycerin for blood pressure, and Botulinum toxin (Botox).
You may need to consider whether drug operation does not stop the symptoms. The most common surgical sphincterotomy. In this process, the threshold of the physician in the internal anal sphincter relaxation of the spasm that caused the crack.
I think that is the best way to take an operation 10 minutes and let you enjoy your life, if not 6 weeks after the start of curing the problem. this surgery without pain, is very simple and inexpensive. and if) you do that, no more pain for the first time on the toilet (external and, in contrast to other operations, the pain, the result after the operation. You can see the source page for more information or to Google the name of the operation to watch videos and get more information.
Hope it helps.
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She suffers from constipation? Avoid constipation more fiber and food and, of course, follow your doctor's instructions.
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